Hear More!
We understand that each hearing loss is unique. Impaired hearing can be a serious handicap that affects the quality of life. Fortunately, there are many options to remedy the problem.

Hearing Aids
Fully rechargeable hearing aids now available in Zimbabwe. The newest premium hearing aid from ReSound has richer sound quality, full spectrum of streaming and an advanced rechargeable solution.

Hearing Care
Full diagnostic testing and hearing health status reports are now available by appointment with Audiovannah.

Our Services
Audiovannah Hearing Care Clinic offers a wide array of hearing care services, from hearing tests to hearing aid fittings to new-born hearing screening to wax removals and more. Find out what we can do for you
How to Choose A Hearing Aid
There are several factors that contribute to hearing aid style and power level choices. The degree, slope and origin of the hearing loss will be the main determining factors. Your hearing health professional will make recommendations following your hearing test.

Take a hearing test online
This test is for screening purposes only and does not replace full diagnostic testing.

Connect your Hearing Aids
Find out how you can connect your hearing aids to your phone.

Maintenance & Repair
Learn how to take care of your hearing aids or bring them in for repair.

Children with Hearing Loss
For children with hearing loss it is even more vital to take action immediately.
Make An Online Booking Now
Book a full hearing evaluation for the next available time